Client: Copenhagen Dance Space

Web design 
App design
Branding design
Logo development & animation
Digital Content / Instagram reels, Tik Tok Videos
Visual Identity

Date: 2.11.22

Copenhagen Dance Space got a full makeover and rebranding when Nordahl.Studio got involved. Since the start of our collaboration, Copenhagen Dance Space has grown and now needs the website to be in Danish and English because of their growth on the international market. The website has from the beginning focussed a lot on the international aspect of the design to match their business plan. 

Nordahl.Studio was hired to design their new app coming in 2023. In collaboration with MindBody, the app will be ready in 2023 and designed to fit their brand. 

Alongside Copenhagen Dance Space there is a 10-month education, and it was very important that the platform had its own world, but with a connection to Copenhagen Dance Space.

The education has existed for many years but needed its own visual universe. It involved a new website, a new style of video content, photos, and social media strategy.

The logo that was created needed simplicity like the website.
The education will establish more educations in London and LA, so here is where the “#” comes in handy. The “#” is representing where the education is taking place.

The campaign has been running since October 2021 with an international focus. 

Before the campaign: 

  • 32 students
  • 50% internationals

After the campaign:

  • 46 students – First time ever sold out.
  • 95% internationals
  • Start-up of new education and studio due to the high demand. 

I don’t know about you, but we would call that a success. 

We have been creating with Copenhagen Dance Space for almost six years. Everything from dance classes to concept classes and theater productions. Each year we also collaborate on a one hour live stream for their graduation show. 

The last element of the Copenhagen Dance Space universe was the SOME platforms.
An important element to their Instagram was to create a look that visually combines the social media to the website so the connection between those two platforms was clear.
As a part of Copenhagen Dance Space platform, Instagram plays a very big role.

On the platform, everything from future programs, shows, classes, international teachers flying in to teach to visual content in terms of video and photography is being podcasted through their platform.
So it is very important to always inform the audience correctly and to keep them entertained. All of this has been done through visual flyers, videos, and through their Instagram story.